Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 11, 2012

MISS EARTH PAKISTAN 2012 - Zanib Naveed

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Miss Earth 2012 Contestants

Zanib Naveed

Miss Pakistan

Age: 25
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Weight: 113 lbs
Measurements: 34"-25"-34"
Profession: Businesswoman

What environmental project will you create to promote the protection of Mother Earth and why?

Working alongside the United Nations, I can create a project called “Project S.A.V.E.” which combines and embodies sustainable development through education on the deterioration that air pollution inflicts upon our environment and our earth as a whole. This would be done with the help and collaboration of The United Nation Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to create objectives that will lead to the creation of water resources that are reliably sustainable. In addition I will call upon the World Health Organization (WHO) in an effort to create publicity to bring awareness at a local, regional, and worldwide level to promote the protection of our atmosphere. This will be in an effort to call upon the global citizens, especially our youth which is our future, to take action and become proactive towards making conscious decisions regarding the environment.

What makes you proud of your country and what can you promote about it?

My childhood years have been the best years of my life. Since we are very family oriented, I remember always having big family dinners. I believe that mom is the best cook in the world that’s why we would have family over every weekend to eat at our house. Since I have two brothers, I grew up being a tomboy. During that stage of my life I was very interested in playing sports and following my brothers around. I felt as if I was capable of doing anything that my brothers did in any aspect. I came to America when I was nine years old and not knowing English was one of the most difficult obstacles that I overcame. Once I learned to speak English, I made some great friends which I keep till this day.

Describe your childhood/growing years:

My childhood years have been the best years of my life. Since we are very family oriented, I remember always having big family dinners. I believe that mom is the best cook in the world that’s why we would have family over every weekend to eat at our house. Since I have two brothers, I grew up being a tomboy. During that stage of my life I was very interested in playing sports and following my brothers around. I felt as if I was capable of doing anything that my brothers did in any aspect. I came to America when I was nine years old and not knowing English was one of the most difficult obstacles that I overcame. Once I learned to speak English, I made some great friends which I keep till this day.

What lessons did you learn from your childhood/growing years?

I learned that family is your number one support. My family has always been there for me. Coming to America was a difficult transition in itself and that is what truly brought out the importance of family in my life. The change of culture, language and customs made me truly appreciate my roots and my upbringing. I learned that no matter where you are in life those values that your family cultivates in you will remain with you wherever you go and they will always be with you no matter the distance. Till this day I find this to be true. No matter where I am I always feel the love and support of my family.

What is your most memorable moment?

Winning Miss Earth Pakistan 2012 by far has been the most memorable moment of my life. I feel as if I have accomplished one of the goals that I have set for myself. I remember being on stage standing hand in hand with fellow contestant waiting for the winners name to be announced, as I heard my name being called out I was the happiest person on the Earth. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking that this moment would change my life forever and it has.

What is your environmental advocacy and why did you choose it?

To promote sustainable development in order to preserve our clean water resources and atmosphere by campaigning and educating our youth because clean air and clean water are the key elements of life on Earth.

What tip can you share to promote sustainable energy for all?

Encourage citizens of the world to increase their use of recyclable materials and call for an increase in the production of solar and wind power.

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